What year is it in Heisei? Japan age finder & holiday calendar

Year 2000 is Heisei 12

People born in this year are 24 years old.

There are days before this year ends.
Heisei (平成) is the current era in Japan. It started on Jan 8th, 1989, following the death of the Emperor Shōwa. You can read more on Wikipedia or keep browsing on this site with the following links.

Quick Year & Age Chart

Year Local Year Age Sexagenary Cycle Chinese Zodiac
1995 Heisei 7 29 i Pig
1996 Heisei 8 28 ne Rat
1997 Heisei 9 27 ushi Ox
1998 Heisei 10 26 tora Tiger
1999 Heisei 11 25 u Rabbit
2000 Heisei 12 24 tatsu Dragon
2001 Heisei 13 23 mi Snake
2002 Heisei 14 22 uma Horse
2003 Heisei 15 21 hitsuji Goat
2004 Heisei 16 20 saru Monkey